If you are contacting us for support because you are having a problem please include enough information so that we can figure out what the problem is and fix it for you. If, for example, a good email bounced please send us the To and From email addresses, and bounce error message. If you are telling us when something happened let of know what time zone you are in. The more information we have the quicker we can solve your problem.
If you are not receiving email, please email us from a working domain. We can't reply to you to tell you how to fix something if the domain you are sending from isn't working.
Helpful information includes:
Relevant Error Messages
The sender and recipient email addresses
Let us know if it was outbound email
Sometimes message headers are useful
The better you are at clearly communicating the problem the quicker we can resolve it.
Email or Phone?
Generally email is better than phone for most tech support issues especially when it involves a lot of information. Far better to be able to cut and paste email addresses, domain names, and IP addresses from email. It also gives us time to fully research your issue and send you back detailed information. However, sometimes when you have general questions and you are trying to understand how something works it might be better to call and have a conversation. Generally however email is better.
Contact Us:
Support Email:
Sales Email: