Spam filtering for Internet Service Providers (ISP)
We have hosted spam blocking and virus filtering for ISPs that will allow you to set custom setting for each domain and each user. We can work with you to provide filtering whether you have thousands of small domains or a single large domain. We can do customizations to fit your unique needs. Let us know what you need and we can give you a custom quote.
You should let us filter your spam because:
- We do it for you - So you don't have to. You know what a pain spam filtering is. We can make it all go away at an affordable price. You can leave it to us so you don't have to dea with it any more.
- Cost - We can do it for less than you can do it yourself. Spam filtering is expensive. You either have to buy spam appliances or load down your servers with big programs that use up memory and CPU resources and don't do a very good job. We save you money on equipment. We can filter your spam for less than you can do it yourself.
- We do it right - Since we specialize in spam filtering we keep up with what works and what doesn't. We have created an infrastructure specifically for spam filtering. We have backup servers in multiple locations ready to store your email should your servers go offline for any reason. You can take your server down knowing that when it comes back up all pending email will be stored and waiting. You don't have to keep up with it yourself or hire staff with spam filtering skills. We make your anti-spam problem go away.
- No Appliances to Buy - Our hosted solution means that you don't have to buy expensive computers and pay for expensive maintenance contracts to keep them updated. We but the hardware so you don't have to.
- We Respond Faster - Spammers are always changing their tactics to get past spam filters because they know that spam filtering lags behind. By the time you get your updates the spammers have moved on to new tricks. We respond faster than that changing our filters as the spammers change theirs. We keep up with the spammers so you don't have to.
- It doesn't cost, it saves - The bottom line is that our service doesn't cost you money, it saves you money. It increases your profit because we can do the job of filtering your spam, filtering your viruses, and providing you a highly redundant email backup system so you can focus on your core business without being distracted by spammers. We not only save you money, we give you back the time it takes dealing with junk email.
Our hosted spam filtering service is designed to be expandable. We can scale up to any size by just adding more servers. So no matter how big you are we can either handle it or we can scale up to handle it. We also have an insane amount of redundancy in the design with multiple servers and multiple location that are configured to act autonomously so if there is an outage the system instantly reroutes around the problem and your clients never notice a thing.
We also store and forward email so if your servers go down our servers will hold your good incoming email till you come back up. And when you do come online our servers will automatically transfer your stored email as fast as your systems can accept it.
But the best part about our hosted spam filtering service for ISPs is that you don't have to do it anymore. You can get rid of your current spam filtering servers. You can get rid of your backup MX servers, and you can get rid of having to deal with spam. You just let us do it and we make the problem go away.
We are better than other spam filtering solutions because:
- No hardware to buy and maintain
- We charge by the quantity of good email, not by the number of email boxes.
- We don't need to know your email accounts to set up new users.
- Activation is a simple MX record change
- Our accuracy and speed of processing is unmatched
- You turn it on and it just works
Yes - we have trial periods. Just send up an email and we'll set you up to try it out.